Teledyne FLIR GmbH

Teledyne FLIR is a world leader in the design and manufacture of sensor systems that enhance perception and awareness. Our advanced thermal imaging and threat detection systems are used for a wide variety of imaging, thermography, and security applications, including airborne and ground-based surveillance, search and rescue, transportation safety, border and maritime patrol. We also provide tools that see and sense harmful chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosives (CBRNE) substances. Teledyne FLIR is the largest provider of unmanned ground vehicles, leading nano and Multi-Mission UAS unmanned aircraft systems, and integrated solutions combining multiple technologies.

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Uzbrojenie i sprzęt Marynarki Wojennej
Sprzęt specjalistyczny Policji
Sprzęt specjalistyczny Straży Granicznej
Sprzęt radioelektroniczny i optoelektroniczny
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