
The Agrotech Gold Medal competition has commenced! Time to register your products to take part in the competition
- Over the years, the range of awarded products has been very diverse; the awards were given to both powerful agricultural machines packed with electronics, smaller innovative products, software and technologies that improve work in agricultural sector - says Doctor Engineer Andrzej Seliga from the Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - the National Research Institute (Warsaw branch), the chairman of the Competition Jury Panel that selects the Gold Medal winners at the Agrotech Expo. The Institute is the project organiser in conjunction with Targi Kielce.
As noted by Doctor Engineer Andrzej Seliga point out to the fact that the Jury Panel members’ opinions are based on the analyses of the functional properties of the products, operational parameters, ergonomics and safety, efficiency of use, energy consumption, quality and aesthetics of workmanship, impact on the natural environment. The aspect of novelty in the market is also important.
- The Competition Jury Panel is composed of specialists, These are representatives of institutions closely related to the agricultural industry. - Experts will carefully read the competition regostration forms and the accompanying documentation. The assessment is 100 percent objective - emphasizes Doctor Engineer Andrzej Seliga.
Any Agrotech exhibitor can register their product and join the competition. It is crucial that the product is showcased during the event.
How to submit a product for the Gold Medal competition?
You should start by downloading the registration form from the website
The completed documentation must be sent to the following address:
The Institute of Technology and Life Sciences, National Research Institute, Branch in Warsaw.
32 Rakowiecka Str, 02-532 Warsaw,
Competition Secretariat - AGROTECFI'24 Gold Medal
The deadline for submitting documents - 16 February.
The Gold Medals will be awarded at a gala ceremony of the Agrotech Expo on Friday, 8March.
The Agrotech Expo will be held in Targi Kielce from 8 to 10 March 2024.