
Record has been broken! Nearly 71,000 people visited the Agrotech and Las-Expo in Targi Kielce
The Wood Industry and Forestry Fair Las - Expo were accompanied by the agricultural technology Agrotech Expo. The glow of the latest technology was most tempting - Modern tractors, combine harvesters, and machines for field work and farm maintenance were packed with agriculture 4.0 solutions. Artificial intelligence, remote telemetry, telematics, and drones were impressive and interesting. Three days at Targi Kielce offered the expo visitors the chance to see how Polish agriculture will develop.
- These were three fantastic days of meetings; the entire agricultural industry’s one-stop-shop. The atmosphere in the expo halls proves how much our expos are in demand. Producers, distributors, agricultural institutions and, above all, farmers need these show - says Andrzej Mochoń PhD. , president of Targi Kielce. – The record has been broken; nearly 71,000 people visited the expo centre. That's about 2,000 more than a year ago, we are delighted that our event is important for farmers. That they want to visit Targi Kielce and learn about the latest technologies that exhibitors have prepared as a response to farmers’ needs. Discussions and conversations at every expo stand; farmers who needed to buy new machines had the opportunity to negotiate and get very favourable prices - emphasizes the president of Targi Kielce.
As we found out, purchasing decisions were also made at the expo. The farms will receive brand new tractors from the Case; IH Vestrum 120, which was presented as a novelty, and the Deutz-Fahr 5 Keyline, whose global premiere was staged at the Agrotech Expo.
This year's exhibition was displayed 70,000 square meters. square meters, 7 thousand more than last year. The companies prepared expo stands in 7 halls of the Kielce exhibition and congress centre three additional halls and in the outdoor area.
We look forward to seeing you next year. The Agrotech Expo will be held in Targi Kielce from 14 to 16 March.