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Manufacturers and suppliers of:

  • armored equipment
  • transport equipment (wheeled, tracked and amphibiam)
  • devices and equipment for defense infrastructure
  • engineering equipment

Companies and entities producing:

  • classical armament
  • missiles equipment
  • explosive materials
  • naval armament and equipment
  • aviation and air defence armament and equipment


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Manufacturers and distributors of:

  • special equipment for Police
  • special equipment for Border Guards
  • uniform articles
  • extinguishing and rescue equipment

Institutions and companies designing and manufacturing:

  • radioelectronic and optoelectronic equipment
  • communication and information technologies
  • metrology equipment
  • components, equipment, and systems of people and property protection


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Producers of:

  • groceries and equipment for meal preparing, storage and transportation
  • medical equipment and materials
  • individual first aid kits
  • equipment and materials for chemical services
  • fuels, exploitation liquids and equipment for their distribution and storage




Opening hours
  • 03 IX 2024
    10:00 - 17:00
  • 04 IX 2024
    10:00 - 17:00
  • 05 IX 2024
    10:00 - 17:00
  • 06 IX 2024
    10:00 - 15:00
    Opening hours
    • 03 IX 2024
      10:00 - 17:00
    • 04 IX 2024
      10:00 - 17:00
    • 05 IX 2024
      10:00 - 17:00
    • 06 IX 2024
      10:00 - 15:00