HOL-EXPO (27-29.10.2021)
3rd Polish Road-Assistance Expo HOL-EXPO

Państwowy Fundusz Rehabilitacji Osób Niepełnosprawnych
- Al. Jana Pawła II 13, 00-828 Warszawa, Poland
- 22/50 55 000
What do we do?
We work for the benefit of the persons with disabilities. We facilitate professional career and sociability in terms of family and society. Our goal is to ensure equal opportunities for and respect the rights of the persons with disabilities. We make the effort to remove barriers in a daily life, education, workplace, and fulfilment of social roles.
We support persons with disabilities
We are concerned about maintaining employment and job benefits. We subsidise employees’ salaries. We support entrepreneurs and farmers to pay social insurance contributions. We pay for participation of a person with disabilities in occupational therapy workshops. We incur the cost of employment at sheltered workshops.
We cooperate with partner municipalities. In effect we effectively reach people who are in urgent need of our assistance and support.
Unique Projects
We support people with diverse needs. Every year we announce calls for projects to address the problems that persons with disabilities face. We select organisations that are the best to this end.
Our budget comprises the contributions made by employers and the subsidy from the State budget. We spend our funds responsibly.
As part of unique projects, we implement, among others, the project "Training for employees of the public transport sector in the needs of people with special needs, including people with disabilities" under Priority Axis II Effective public policies for the labor market, economy and education. for the social and professional inclusion of people with disabilities of the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program 2014-2020, which we conduct the training "Various travelers - service without barriers".
Participants of the training Various travelers may be employees of micro, small, medium (SME) and large enterprises operating in the area of rail, urban and intercity public transport.
The training for employees who have direct contact with travelers in their daily work covers 2 training days, with a break of about a month between the first and the second day of training. The training is practical - workshop, aimed at increasing the knowledge and skills of employees in the field of providing help and information as well as communicating with various travelers, including people with disabilities.
Training for management staff lasts 4 clock hours. Its aim is to encourage the use of the standards of service of various travelers proposed by PFRON, which in turn is to increase the brand of enterprises in the collective transport sector as those in which the issue of service availability is not treated as an additional cost, but as an element influencing their greater competitiveness. And in the case of organizers of public collective transport as those where the issue of service availability is important.