INDUSTRIAL SPRING (25-28.03.2025)
STOM-TOOL - BLECH & CUTTING - LASER - ROBOTICS - FIX, Welding, Expo-Surface, Fluid Power, Control-Stom, 3D Printing Days
- Stawki 5, 58-100 Świdnica, Poland
- +48 74 851 86 60,+48748518660
The most important aspect of the company's activity is the construction and implementation of robotic welding systems equipped with Qirox robots.
The offer of Cloos-Polska is complemented by Qineo welding power sources, welding cobots, orbital and plasma welding devices, and professional equipment for welding stations, including filter hoods, welding tables and helmets, as well as automation elements, clamps, grippers and industrial springs.
Cloos-QINEO-Katalog-przeglad-zrodel-spawalniczych.PDFfile size: 3.81 MB
QR4022-QIROX-roboty-spawalnicze.pdffile size: 1.51 MB
Spawanie-Cobotem-Cloos-Polsa.pdffile size: 906.29 KB
Ulotka-O-Firmie-CLOOS.pdffile size: 4.01 MB