
MILKO MILANOV appointed the new CAEF president
Graduate engineer Milko Milanov has spent his whole life in the foundry industry, having started as a mould maker and later becoming manager in the largest foundries in Bulgaria. Today, he runs a jobbing foundry as well as a training and consulting centre for the Bulgarian metal foundry sector. Until recently, he has been the president of the Bulgarian branch of the Association in CAEF.
CAEF is the umbrella organisation of the national European foundry associations. The organisation, founded in 1953, has 22 European member states and works to promote the economic, technical, legal and social interests of the European foundry industry. At the same time, CAEF implements activities which aim at developing national foundry industries and co-ordinating their shared international interests. The General Secretariat has been in Düsseldorf since 1997.
CAEF represents 4 400 European foundries. Nearly 260 000 employees are generating a turnover of 39 billion Euro. European foundries recruit 20 000 workers and engineers per year. The primary customer industries are e.g. the automotive, general engineering and building industries as well as the electrical engineering industry.