
Per Artem Ad Deum and the Sacroexpo Exhibition deemed necessary and pivotal in promoting culture and art and in building faith
At the Rome meeting, which brought together the President of the board of Targi Kielce, Dr Andrzej Mochoń, and Bishop Marian Florczyk, Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, long-time President of the Pontifical Council for Culture, who said: that he expresses his joy at continuing the unique tradition of awarding the Per Artem Ad Deum prize at the Targi Kielce under the auspices of the new Dicastery for Culture. He stressed the importance of this distinction, adding that there is a great need to build bridges between different religions and between believers and non-believers. The Cardinal also recalled his visit to Kielce, at the Sacroexpo Exhibition.
- I do remember my visit to Sacroexpo in Kielce; the expo creates a special place and plays an essential role in two areas: as a place for promoting art and culture and building faith – Cardinal Ravasi emphasised.
Since 2005, the Per Artem Ad Deum award has been granted by Targi Kielce in conjunction with the Pontifical Council for Culture, chaired by Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi. The Per Artem Ad Deum Medal has been awarded to 32 artists or institutions whose artistic achievements and heritage contribute to the culture development and shapes man's spirituality. According to "Praedicate Evangelium", the new Roman Curia apostolic constitution which entered into force on 5 June 2022, the former Congregation for Catholic Education and the Pontifical Council for Cultures were merged into one body. Thus a new body - Dicastery for Culture and Education Subsequent winners of the Per Artem Ad Deum medal are selected under the patronage and auspices of the new institution;
while Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi is President of the Cortile dei Gentili Foundation, an institution committed to promoting culture and art at national and international level, collaborating with universities, research institutes, artistic foundations and international organisations.