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Since 2008, Su-optics has grown into a specialized manufacturer of sights for civilian use.
We are standing shoulder to shoulder with the world's leading companies by exporting superior Su-optics products to the United States and Europe.
But Su-optics has been asked many times, "Why don't you manufacture military sights?"
There is only one reason. Since the military sight is a key equipment that guarantees mission completion
between operations and life, we needed time to accumulate technical skills that will ensure the best conditions for mission performance for users of Su-optics sight.
The ACTUS brand, which is a collection of Su-optics’ decades of know-how and technology, was born as a brand specializing in ‘military sights and optical’ instruments.
Based on world-class technology and know-how, we will strive to develop and manufacture optical sights for military use that will implement missions successfully.
Business sector
Subassemblies, equipment and systems of people and property protection
Naval armament and equipment
Police special equipment
Border Guards special equipment
Defence infrastructure equipment
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