TIMATE Sp. z o.o.

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TIMATE has designed and is developing an automatic and self-operating tool for comprehensive management of people and processes in businesses. The TIMATE system functions by utilizing innovative cards with an e-Paper display that provide employees with their electronic identifiers and at the same time they measure the time at work and assess how that time is used. The system supports remote work and task-based work. It protects the safety of employees and ensures they comply with the OHS rules and regulations. It enables current assessment of task performance by employees and teams. Additionally, it functions as a system for motivation and communication.

TIMATE's customers are mainly enterprises from the sectors of logistics, production and healthcare that employ at least several hundred people.
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    Opening hours
    • 19 III 2024
      09:00 - 17:00
    • 20 III 2024
      09:00 - 17:00
    • 21 III 2024
      09:00 - 17:00
    • 22 III 2024
      09:00 - 15:00