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The PGCNC is a company with a long-term presence in the industry of CNC plotters. The company has family roots that have become a solid basis for success. The success was also determined by exceptional attention to detail and focus on high functionality of solutions. We are constantly working on improving our solutions.

Each CNC plotter manufactured in our company is a refined product that is including the needs of users. We offer machines in the Special, ATC and AUTO series, designed for various modes and operating conditions. The machines have different technical parameters so that our customers can choose a device that fully meets their needs.
Business sector
CNC lathes
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    Opening hours
    • 19 III 2024
      09:00 - 17:00
    • 20 III 2024
      09:00 - 17:00
    • 21 III 2024
      09:00 - 17:00
    • 22 III 2024
      09:00 - 15:00