Expo visitors - fishing and angling, survival, bushcraft and other related topics are diverse in age, gender and profession. This comprehensive and diversified target-audience shares a common feature - passion.


wystawca-profil-zwiedzajacego.jpg [206.22 KB] Join us and meet the Fishing and Survival Festival's attendees:

  • enthusiasts and enthusiasts, i.e. people who love fishing, survival or bushcraft
  • professionals and specialists who look for advanced products and solutions
  • families and aficionados who look for outdoors-leisure activities related equipment and accessories and want to learn something new
  • hobbyists and outdoor enthusiasts interested in various forms of active outdoor recreation
  • entrepreneurs and distributors who visit expo prospering for new products for their stores and companies
  • media, bloggers and influencers who find the expo an excellent opportunity to establish contacts, gain knowledge about new market products and promote the brand