Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego

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The Military University of Technology (WAT) was established under the legal act of 1951. It is a public academic institution of higher education supervised by the Minister of National Defence. As an academic institution of higher education it operates to implement the objectives of the Military Forces of the Republic of Poland and those set by science, economy and society. This mission is fulfilled by educating professional cadets and students as well as by developing the research and didactic staff and conducting research and development works in the domain of engineering, technology, applied, environmental and social sciences. The focus in on military technology and safety technology. The University cooperates with the academic institutions in the country and abroad. The University educates future engineers, spreads knowledge, develops students’ skills and improves competences at the highest level. The University’s tasks are is conducted in the spirit of patriotic values and responsibility for the Fatherland.
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