Bydgoskie Zakłady Elektromechaniczne | PGZ S.A.

Bydgoskie Zakłady Elektromechaniczne BELMA S.A. is among the oldest industrial plants in kujawsko – pomorski region. The beginning of the company dates back to 1868. Starting from the locksmith plant, the company produced devices for the railway, automotive, defense industry, mining, and provided various types of industrial services. Currently, it is a modern company in terms of technology and organization, able to meet the needs of demanding customers from Poland, the European Union and the world. It has appropriate technical and production potential and highly qualified team of experienced engineering and technical staff. The company has its own design offices, where it employs specialists in the field of mechanics, electrical engineering and electronics designing modern products, using computer support systems in design and production process as well as many years of experience in precise metal processing. For many years we have implemented management system based on the requirements of EN-ISO 9000 standards, fulfilling the highest quality demands of our customers. The company specializes in the production of high-tech mine-damming systems and warheads for unmanned aerial vehicles.
Business sector
Communication and IT
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