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Arrow Electronics is a global distributor of semiconductor and passive components, connectors, electromechanical components and integrated systems of key manufacturers. Many years of experience, knowledge of the market and close relations with our suppliers allow us to maintain not only the highest standards of service, but above all to shape new cooperation models in response to the current needs of our customers.

As a leader in the electronic components distribution industry, we support over 200,000 customers, providing products from nearly 700 suppliers. We supply virtually all professional electronics markets, including the Aerospace and Defense sector. We work with leading companies as well as support new ideas of innovative creators by offering technical support from the initial stages of project development. To provide the highest level of support, we employ experienced application engineers who are at your disposal in the field of:
- FPGA systems,
- microcontrollers and other elements of digital and analog electronics, RF,
- telecommunications systems,
- SOM integrated systems,
- power supply systems and modules, batteries,
- connectors and passive components.

We invite you to visit our stand no. H-35, where you will be able to learn about the latest products dedicated to the military industry and talk to experts from companies:
- Analog Devices
- Intel
- Microchip
- TE Connectivity
- Vicor

We will be pleased to welcome you at the MSPO 2023 fair.
Arrow Electronics Poland team
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