
Factoring, liquidity management and modern technologies in accounting - lectures at MKBR
Prevention, monitoring, business clarity and good communication with partners - the key ways to overcome a critical situation. Panel discussion "How to cope in difficult times?" featured specialists discussing financial instruments and market, management and insurance.
– I advise all companies I cooperate with, to report to a business intelligence agency, provide their financial data reliably, and show the strategy they base their growth on. And do it periodically. This will bring a positive trade report that will be known not only to our trading partners but also to financial institutions. A company that no one can find in the intelligence agency simply does not exist – said Jerzy Dąbrowski, Vice-President of Finea SA.
– It is definitely important to be aware of building relationships between partners; it is important that the client contacts us and tells us about the problem before a deep crisis hits. Mbank, a large institution, wants to be a partner for customers. We don't want to be a huge inaccessible monster. We strive to talk to our clients and help them also in more difficult times – emphasised Marzena Kucharska, Head of SME credit product & sales division at mBank SA
ICT systems can also ensure the optimisation and security of accountants' work. They are gradually implemented in Polish accounting offices, and according to one of the speakers, compared to, for example, Italian ones, Polish tools are several years ahead.
The National e-Invoice System became the main topic of the next lecture.
– Change is coming. There is still time to prepare. Look at what the possibilities and benefits of the system so that to can change cooperation with the client – Beata Kostrzycka, Director of Operations, talked about work optimisation. Development - wFirma for Accounting Offices.
– This technological evolution embodied by KSeF, builds utterly new business models for accounting offices – emphasised Rafał Strzelecki, President of the Management Board of CashDirector SA.
A separate expert lecture was devoted to the KSeF platform - "How to use KSeF for better business management and cooperation with an accounting office client?". The presentation was delivered by the President of CashDirector - Rafał Strzelecki.