The conference will includes specialists' presentations; they represent Poland's most important trade institutions and commercial companies - the market leaders

White labels in commercial strategy

05 july 2014
The PLME expo is accompanied with a whole the specialised conference

The session is held on the first day of the exhibition. And the speakers list includes, inter alia: Tomasz Krysiak - AC Nielsen, Andrzej Wojciechowicz - Advisor of the Business Consulting FMCG, Dorota Kałowska - Cobaltspark Company, Magdalena Stachura pHd - Tesco, Ryszard Jaśkowski - Vice President of the National Auditing Union of Consumer Cooperative Społem, Ireneusz Cichoński - INTERMARCHE POLAND, Maria Andrzej Faliński PhD Director-General of the Office of the Polish Trade and Distribution Organisation, Andrzej Gantner Board Member and General Director of the Polish Federation of Food Industry, Maciej Ptaszyński - Director General of the Polish Chamber of Commerce and Jacek Piechota, former Minister of Economy and employment who currently acts in the capacity of the Chairman of the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce.

The meeting is a discussion platform for such issues as: private label brands at Poland's FMCG market, white labels as an competitive instrument, producer - trade cooperation, effective white label's image management, TESCO white label quality supervision, white labels as part of the PSS Społem development strategy, development prospects defined as opportunities and threats, how to take care of printed packaging high quality, private label as an competitive instrument, the role of private labels in building customer's loyalty as well as white labels in the of Polish-Ukrainian trade.

Dr. Maria Andrzej Faliński of POHiD - the debate co-organizer is the conference moderator.