Kangen Ionizer - water source and healing properties


02 october 2014
The Enagic company joins the EcoFamily Expo with and extraordinary device

The next   EcoFamily  expo edition is knocking on our doors. The event will start in Targi Kielce on November 15.  EcoFamily will be the showcase for the water ionizer by Enagic a source of water with medical properties


Kangen Water - benefits you cannot underestimate:

- prevents diseases

- alleviates pains and helps in injury treatment

- helps in allergies

- improves energy levels 

- prevents ageing

- helps keep the cardiovascular system in good shape

- cleanses the colon and stets-off your body's detox

- offers slimming properties 

- improves the appearance of skin and hair


Enagic ionizers are the only ones certified by the Japanese Ministry of Health, they are also used in hospitals in Japan.  More details at www.kangenwater.pl and youtube.com/kangenwaterpl

Join us at the BSB expo stand.