(od lewej) Piotr Ziółkowski, dyrektor generalny Głównego Urzędu Miar oraz Adam Madej, wiceprezes zarządu Katalizator Spółka z o.o. podpisali deklarację o przystąpieniu firmy do Klastra Metrologicznego.

The Metrology Cluster encourages its members to take doctoraal degrees

28 november 2022
On Friday, 25 November, the Metrology Cluster's members met again at Targi Kielce. Doctorates in the metrology were mainly discussed; from this year on, companies' employees cooperation with universities and research institutes can carry out PhD procedures. This is a chance for enterprises - members of the Metrology Cluster.

Implementation doctorates are the Minister of Education and Science's program targeted at developing research and development staff in enterprises in cooperation with universities and research institutes. Employees have a chance to obtain a doctoral degree;  a metrological path was launched for the first time this year. Thus projects of this tyle stand a better chance of co-financing. Every year, 479 doctoral students from various fields take advantage of this opportunity, over two thousand people in total have been a part of the program since its launch in 2017.

As emphasised by Piotr Ziółkowski, general director of the Central Office of Measures, the research work can include broadly defined metrology.

- If the employer thinks about the development of their company, the employee can pursue a doctorate. New jobs, improving the technologies adaptability for mechatronic technologies, modern material technologies, optical technologies, nanotechnology, acoustics, artificial intelligence and environmental protection can be included in the scope. These areas offer a step towards Industry 4.0 - informed Piotr Ziółkowski.

Additional benefits for employees and employers

Doctorates offer access to a number of additional benefits for both sides - employers and employees. An employer who gives the opportunity to involve in PhD work has a chance to attract attractive candidates who will also boost the firm's scientific development. In return, a motivated and prospective employee is a part of the company. A doctorate enhances the company's development without the need to incur additional expenses. A doctorate and related costs are paid by the Ministry of Education and Science.

Transparent application and clear conditions

The implementation doctorate application is prepared by the university, research institute or international scientific institute with which the employee cooperates. The research topic must be developed in consultation with the entrepreneur. Importantly, the topic selected at the application stage is not assigned to a specific employee. If a candidate resigns from work, another person with appropriate predispositions can take place; it is enough to take part in the recruitment for doctoral studies at a given university. The employee must be employed full-time on the basis of an employment contract, election appointment, appointment or cooperative employment contract.

Financial support throughout the entire doctorate development process

Each doctoral student receives financial support through the university where they conduct the research. A doctoral scholarship's amount is increased by PLN 1,000 compared to the standard doctoral scholarship. The doctorates program also covers the costs of social security and the costs of using research infrastructure in order to complete the doctorate.

- Our employee can, therefore, as part of his doctorate, carry out research and measurements with the help of the university staff, for which the company would otherwise have to pay - Piotr Ziółkowski pointed out.

Under this program, the doctoral scholarship is PLN 3,450 in the first stage, and PLN 4,450 after a positive evaluation of the doctoral student's work. Normal salary is not retained.

Piotr Ziółkowski informed that in the current programme has 19 GUM employees on board;  in total 20 GUM metrologists are working on implementation doctorates. This number constitutes 10% of the scientific staff of the office. The meeting and cooperation within the cluster makes it possible for universities, companies and institutions to find more talented employees; Benefit are mutual for participants and employers.

The Metrology Cluster keeps developing

The information meeting at the Congress Centre on the possibility of doctorates program and the opportunities offered by this program was the fifth meeting of the Metrology Cluster established in April 2022. 

The cluster comprises 35 entities that have signed a cooperation declaration, and more companies have declared willingness to join the cluster. This means that the Metrology Cluster will be able to apply for the status of a key cluster, which would open up new opportunities to get financial support for the implementation of various joint projects. Targi Kielce is the coordinator of the Cluster.  

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