The network has been designed to attach more prestige to farming professions as well as dissemination of knowledge about food production and the rural cultural heritage preserving


16 january 2015
Tangible benefits for education and agriculture

The  National Network of Educational Homesteads will for the first time join the EDUCATION expo in the capacity of an exhibitor and workshop organizer. The network's original idea followed with the network creation was made possible with the advent of the  "Creation of the Educational Agro-tourism Farms Network" project conducted in 2011 by the Krakow Agricultural Advisory Centre, the Brwinow Branch in collaboration with provincial Agricultural Advisory Centres at the request the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

The network may include all kinds of facilities which fulfil the requirements of "Educational homestead" definition. The network participation is voluntary and free of charge.

Educational activities in farms bring tangible benefits to the two sectors: agriculture and education.

Schools' curricula become more diversified and richer; they also become action-oriented through workshop classes focussed on various subjects. Alternative education venues expand and enhance knowledge of rural culture.

The agricultural sector finds it very important to meet its prospective consumers and thus increase their awareness and understanding of the rural areas' situation and needs. Farmers' day-to-day life also gains some variety and becomes richer and diversified; working with children and teachers is the source of joy and creative development of farmers' families.