
Targi Kielce for flood victims

05 july 2014
Donations from Świętokrzyskie regions dispatched to the Balkans' flood victims

Half a ton of cleaning agents for flood victims in the Balkans regions were dispatched on Tuesday from Świętokrzyskie region to the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia Warsaw. The donations were collected in the scope of the "Swietokrzyskie for the Balkans flood victims" campaign. The employees of Targi Kielce, "Grono Targowe Kielce" Chamber of Commerce, the Świętokrzyskie Marshal's Office as well as the members of the Cooperation Association Poland-East and the Rural Youth Association joined the campaign. The collection was organised with the help of the Kielce's Echo Shopping Mall and Vive Targi Kielce sports club.

In May, the Balkans were struck with the most severe flood in the last 120 years, there were 50 fatalities and about 1.6 million people affected. The Swietokrzyskie Region's inhabitants have also shared the tragic flood experience in the recent years; they experienced a generous help from other people then too. Now they able to pay off this debt and , help those in need - people of the Balkans who have experienced this natural disaster. Floods victims need support.