
Seeing music

27 september 2011
Jazz “crime and punishment” that is … the stairs of Kielce Culture Centre are still comfortable…

Leszek Możdżer’s concert crowned the whole festival

I will not escape from paying a fine for it … said Leszek Możdżer during Targi Kielce Jazz Festival Memorial to Miles when he turned to the audience; and then he added and if you will chip in, I can play on.

Defendant: Leszek M.
Crime: music that stir crowds
Fine: standing ovation and thunderstorm of applause which lasted millions of seconds.
Sentence: triple encore and plastic Komeda that does not sound well anyway.

This is the right description of Leszek Możdżer’s Sunady concert in Kielce KCK; it attracted almost 700 spectators. And the audience were nit bothered with the fact that there were not enough seats to go round. And the organisers tried to turn up trumps by putting some extra chairs but they did not suffice. This did not put away the eager fans of the pianist and composer; they rediscovered the well known fact that KCK stairs are still comfortable; people do not have to sit to feel jazz with all their selves.

The world class pianist performed the compositions from his latest album entitled "Komeda". The audience expressed their special consideration to the “Nim wstanie dzień” composition (Before Dawn) as well as to the smash hit played as an encore;„Polskie drogi” (Polish Roads). The audience was charmed with the music and the artist himself. The artist made the audience speechless when he first put towels into the fortepiano an then Komeda’s record. It took just a few second and a few music sounds for this amazement to be transferred into admiration; and this resulted in a triple encore.
I will not escape from paying a fine for making my performance longer, but if you agree to chip in I can play on – said Możdżer

The audience had the chance to listen to Komeda’s, Chopin’s, Davis’ and Możdżer’s own compositions. Komenda does not sound well (about the record which had been put into the fortepiano) Miles Davis’ record would sound much better recapitulated Możdżer; and this way he truly won the hearts Kielce public. If we were to describe the climate of this Sunday’s meeting we would have to make use of the dialogue which we overheard:
Why are you closing your eyes when he’s playing. You cannot see the stage
I do not have to look at him to see his music.

Leszek Możdżer’s concert crowned the whole 8th Targi Kielce Jazz Festival Memorial to Miles; the festival brought to the jazz fans the whole array of stars and among them Saskię Laroo, Carmen Moreno, Annę Serafińską, Trio Stephana Bakera and Maciek Zakościelny. The artist put the charm on the audience by using the swing, spectacular dialogues and magical climate. Targi Kielce is not only one of the three major exhibition centres in Europe, it is also the patron of world class art. Judging by the success of this year’s edition of Targi Kielce Jazz Festival Memorial to Miles we have a wish for a greater number of sponsors to support further development of Kielce music scene; we envisage them taking part in the training on self-renewing accounts; thus follow the encouragement of Andrzej Mochoń TK President as the main sponsor of the festival.