
SACROEXPO Slovakia - the formal presentation!
The President of Targi Kielce, Andrzej Mochoń PhD, who was present at the event, emphasized that this is not the first event organized by the Kielce exhibition and congress centre outside the country. – In the past, we organised trade fairs abroad several times, e.g. in Kiev, Ukraine, and in Budapest, Hungary. We already have experience and I am convinced that in some time Sacroexpo Slovakia will match the one held in Kielce - he spoke.
Our southern neighbors’ market potential was discussed by the managing director of Incheba-Expo Bratyslava, Aleksander Rozin Jr., and Jiri Kulis. They showed the beautiful landscapes of Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary with picturesquely located churches and cathedrals. - Bratislava is an ideal place to stage such events, because it is located remarkably close to Vienna, Budapest and Prague, which will make it possible to attract many people from this part of Europe - said Alexander Rozin Jr.
The entire presentation ended with a video show featuring a performance by a young, talented opera singer, the winner of the 2014 sacred music competition in Rome, Patrycja Janeczkowa.