Kobranocka w repertuarze ma ponadczasowe utwory, których nie zabraknie podczas Kielce ROCKują_ foto Mariusz Skiba

Rock edge and energy - the performance of the Kobranocka band in Kielce ROCKuja

29 august 2023
The greatest hits of the Kobranocka band will resound on the second day of the Kielce ROCKs festival, on 16 September at the Targi Kielce Congress Centre. The audience will hear the timeless song "I love you like Ireland"

Legendary  ska band has continuously performed on the Polish stage for over thirty-seven years. Band leader - Kobra - Andrzej Kraiński, vocalist, guitarist and the other founder of the band - Szybki Kazik, have been a part of band to this day . For over two years, Mateusz Senderowski has also been in the line-up, replacing Vysol on drums. After many years, musicians from outside Toruń joined; Jacek Moczadło has been the second guitarist since 2005. Ordynat Michorowski is a very important founding member of the band, the songwriter with whom Kobra has collaborated since 1984. The band was originally called Flying Urinal,  it all started with a one-off performance because the band did not envisage commercial activities, only underground ones. After the first, very successful concert, the band expanded to include Waldek Zaborowski, who played the saxophone, and changed its name to Kobranocka. A characteristic feature of Kobranocka's lyrics (usually written by Andrzej Michorzewski) is their abstract imagery.

The 10th edition of Kielce ROCKuja, features live performances of the KaZióGra project on Saturday, September, 16, at the Targi Kielce Congress Centre. In addition to the legendary band from Toruń, the gig will also feature the KaZióGra quartet (Grzegorz Kapołka, Dariusz Ziółek, Antoni Gralak and Alan Kapołka) and the band Proletaryat.

 Tickets for the concert can be purchased now via the website www.kupbilecik.pl or on-site on the day of the event.

More information about Kielce ROCKS on the  Facebook, Facebook event and also on INSTAGRAM.


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