
"Optimized construction site. How to ensure the construction site safety? A fundamental debate at the Autostrada New Infrastructure Expo
Not only the global trend related to improving work culture was the impetus to organize the panel, but also the increasing requirements of investors in this regard.
All parties to the construction process are involved in ensuring safety in countries with the lowest accident rate on construction sites. Security management starts with planning - this approach allows not only to predict and prevent risks, but most importantly - to optimize the entire investment.
The panel’s objective is to identify areas and opportunities for improvement in occupational health and safety. After the debate, everyone will have the opportunity to receive persnalised advice.
Specialists discuss the following issues:
- Safety concept for the designer, investor and contractor
- The investor's role in creating the construction site’s safety
- Identification and valuation of threats
- A must have on every construction site - the selection of solutions that protect the construction site and employees
- Investment optimization, taking into account time, implementation deadline and selection of solutions and technologies
- Wellbeing on the construction site - stress reduction.
All parties involved in the investment process can take part in the debate, we welcome
- Construction companies,
- Public investors, such as GDDKiA, Provincial Road Authorities, District Road Authorities, Mayors, commune heads, representatives of communes
- Designers
- Supervision Engineers
- Companies offering devices and technologies
The moderator of the debate - Anna Krawczyk - development trainer, holistic psychologist and president of the board of the Transformation Academy.
The debate - 11 April 2024 from 12:00 to 14:00 in the E Expo Hall.
The Autostrada New Infrastructure Expo - 10 and 11 April 2024!