
KIELCE SPORT – EXPO and bowling

13 february 2015
The GOPR Cup competition for exhibitors

All bowling enthusiasts who are willing to join the party and to boast their company's potential are cordially invited to join in the tournament organized by Targi Kielce. Bowling - an excellent form of company team's recreation and integration.

 Contestants compete in four-person teams; each player has 20 strikes.  If you wish to up the challenge and take part in the tournament, send a list of players and the company's name the contestants represent. The competition is open to as many as 24 teams.

 The tournament is to be held on February 18 in  MK BOWLING (Echo Shopping Mall 20 Swietokrzyska street, level 2)
 www.mkbowling.pl  . Training session starts at 20:00. The competition begins 21.00.

Competition registrations ought to be emailed to zajecki.l@targikielce.pl

 We are looking forward to seeing you!