
Journalists visit to Lviv - a part of EuroAgro Expo preparations
A properly sleeted group go journalists deals with agriculture. On October 12, the journalists had an opportunity to meet the First Deputy President of the Lviv Region State Administration Rostislav Zamliński, Gal-Expo President Andrij Stegura and representatives of the Eko-Mit company. The briefing included the discussions about the upcoming International Fair of Agricultural Techniques organized by Targów Kielce in cooperation with Lviv exhibition centre.
Another point on the agenda was the meeting with agricultural business-sector's entrepreneurs and introduction to the Agricultural Wholesale Market in Szuwary, the Eko-Mit and Galucji Grinieri - the Busk city's greenhouse, D-Miks (animal fodder production) in Chilczyce.
- We have organised a business trip to Lviv for a group of Polish journalists. Thus we wanted to show them that investment time in Ukraine's agriculture has already begun - Says Elżbieta Śniadecka, Manager for Marketing in Targi Kielce. - We want to be involved in this process and to support Polish entrepreneurs interested in entering Ukrainian market. Agriculture is one of the main income sources in Ukraine; the country itself is referred to as Europe's breadbasket. Polish entrepreneurs, especially producers of high-end agricultural equipment have a chance to prosper for a new and extensive market their products. The upcoming Fair of Agricultural Techniques EuroAgro EuroAgro held in Lviv might be the first step to develop international cooperation - adds Mrs Śniadecka.