
Jazzmen going on the block

10 january 2013
Targi Kielce President donated his photographs for WOŚP

Marek Tercz

Join us this Friday at the Galeria Korona shopping mall from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Kielce inhabitants will have a rare chance to bid for, inter alia, unusual photographs featuring Polish jazzmen. The photograph have been taken by Andrzej Mochoń; not only is Mr Mochoń the Targi Kielce President of Board but also a member of the Association of Polish Artists Photographers. For a number of years he has also been an active photographer; in his works Mr Mochoń shows musicians at work.

The photographs illustrate renowned and popular musicians: Leszek Możdżer and Marek Tercz. The pictures have been a part of the “More than Jazz” exhibition; this exceptional collection is the fruit of many-year creation which captures fractions of life in still pictures. The exhibition which inaugurated the Targi Kielce Jazz Festival Memorial to Miles 2012 is now housed in the Municipal Culture Centre “Muflon” in Jelenia Góra.

The auction is a part of the 21st Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. “Saving the lives of children and providing adequate health care for the elderly” is the objective of this year’s charity fund raising.