Maria Costa will be presenting the latest survey results at the KIDS' TIME Expo


23 february 2015
Maria Costa will be presenting the latest survey results at the KIDS' TIME Expo

To know your client well is the key to success. The fact that they buy at a particular outlet or store still does not necessarily mean anything in particular. At the International Fair of Toys and Products for Mother and Child Maria Costa PhD - the director of child consumer department at AIJU, European Technological Institute of Children Products & Leisure will be speaking about present-day trends among parent-consumers and what affects their shopping choices and decisions.

 AIJU is a research centre which specializes in toys, products for children and leisure-time activities. AIJU operates the 3 centres in Spain and one in Hong Kong. It employs over 70 experts on consumer psychology, education, children safety, children, advanced production methods , market research etc.

 Lecture "Parenting trends 2015: 4 business opportunities" will take place on the first expo day. Time . from 14.00 to 15.00 in the E hall conference room E.