A forbidden fruit is the most seductive - you cannot possibly pain on walls at home! In Targi Kielce they give you prizes for that!

Family Picnic deserves a medal!

14 june 2014
Well attended Targi Kielce event!

Hot atmosphere despite the bad weather! And although it is rainy and grey outside (in the east the sky's clearing up! Keep our fingers crossed for the sun to come out) the Targi Kielce G hall is filled with a truly picnic atmosphere! Children took part in the Grand Family Picnic - it was enough to be a good singer or say some rhymes to get colourful Targi Kielce cups. And the most determined paint-artists who were decorating our wall could win themselves tickets to Sabbath Krajno Theme Park or to the Go-karts course.

The Exhibitors who have joined the Picnic have had the opportunity to promote their brand among the future users - perhaps among the hundreds of children who have visited us today there are the future bridge and road builders, engineers, scientists or operators of equipment? Time will tell!