MSPO and Logistyka - much more than a great business meeting. The event about is the place for talks on the current situation in the world, in of scientific terms and perspective too


29 august 2014
Power in Europe - military and non-military tools of influence in international conflicts - a specialist conference of the Jagiellonian University

On the third day of the   International Defence Industry Exhibition  a group of specialists from Polish universities will discuss the most topical issues for the international arena.

Among the issues addressed at the conference there will be; forms force in European conflicts after the Cold War period, Europe in relation to non-European crises, Western countries interventions in the Middle East, the problem of terrorism in Europe, threats of Muslim fundamentalism, violence in European airspace, conditions and forms of the United States' force use in the European strategic area.

The program element worth mentioning the Ukrainian conflict analysis in terms of a hybrid war.

The meeting will also address the issue of modern technology, that is cyber-aggression in the European security environment and the possibility of wars in cyberspace.

The military and non-military tools' impact of international conflicts will be discussed by professionals from the Jagiellonian University, the National Defence Academy, University of Gdansk, University of Bialystok, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Łódź University and the College of Business.

 The meeting will be held on September 3 at 10:30 am in the conference room in the G Expo hall.

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