

14 june 2014
Poland's largest dentists conference will bring together 900 people. World's best professors come to Targi Kielce to share their knowledge

Practical Dentistry Festival DENTOPOLIS will be held in the Targi Kielce Congress Centre from 23 to 25 May. Several rooms will house lectures as well as workshops held simultaneously; the sessions will be chaired by Polish and foreign specialists. The meeting has generated enormous interest.

And among the lecturers there are several representatives of universities and clinics from the USA - Columbia University, Germany, Italy, Slovakia and Austria. The list of Polish specialists includes representatives of Warsaw Medical University, Wroclaw Medical Universities, Pomeranian Medical University, Silesian Medical University, Jagiellonian University, Medical University of Lodz as well as a number of excellent doctors with their own practice.

DENTOPOLIS is held in Kielce already for the twelfth time. It is the first time it the event has been staged in Targi Kielce The Kwintesencja Publishing house is the meeting organiser. Unfortunately, the list of participants of the Festival is now closed.