Michalina & Kamil Show


15 november 2014
They will teach the newlyweds to dance

Dance shows of the CANDELA Dance Studio artists will be staged on Saturday and Sunday (November 15-16) within the scope of the "weekend" events held in Targi Kielce. The dancers will present their skills. They train under the watchful of the studio founders; Michalina and Kamil Borecki. The presentation has been crafted around the newlyweds-to-be needs. They will be able to see what their first dance may look like if they start attending classes as soon as possible. 


The shows will be held on Saturday from 13.15 to 13.45 on Sunday from 14.30 to 15.00.


 "CANDELA is first and foremost a meeting place for the for dance lovers. Our mission is to infect people with a passion to dance, help them find a pass-time alternative and enjoy off-time after work or school, with friends and beloved ones. Dance is a common denominator; regardless your age, occupation, place of residence or dance style we can learn more about each other, integrate and make friends. We have been joined by our love to dance; and today we want to share this great passion with all of you"
                                                                                                                         -  Michalina i Kamil Boreccy


 Visit http://candelakielce.pl/?do=pokazArtykul&nid=75&expand=3