
Business people of Świętokrzyskie in Targi Kielce

23 may 2012
Discussions on Poland’s economic situation in the view of present day Europe

The meeting of Swietokrzyskie entrepreneurs in Targi Kielce Conference Centre

Today the Targi Kielce Conference Centre is the venue for Swietokrzyskie entrepreneurs’ meeting which has been organised by the National Bank of Poland. The meeting has brought together 150 guests; its leitmotif is the lecture delivered by Professor Eugeniusz Gantar PhD Hab. on “Poland’s economic situation in the view of the present day Europe”.

Eugeniusz Gatnar
A member of the NBP Board
Eugeniusz Gatnar was born on 18 August 1960 in Wodzisław Śląski. He graduated from the Faculty of Management of the University of Economics in Katowice. In 1993 he obtained the degree of doctor of economic sciences and in 1999 the post doctoral degree in economic sciences. In 2009 he was awarded the title of professor in economic sciences by the President of the Republic of Poland.
Since 2001 he has been associate professor in the Department of Statistics of the University of Economics in Katowice. He is head of the Statistical Data Analysis Research Unit.

He authored 162 scientific papers, including 5 scientific monographs, 72 articles, 4 textbooks and numerous scientific and research papers. He was supervisor of 4 doctoral theses that were defended in 2005-2008 and presented peer reviews in a number of conferment procedures for a doctoral degree at the University of Łódź, University of Szczecin, Warsaw School of Economics, the Wrocław University of Economics, the Cracow and Katowice University of Economics. He presented papers at conferences in Poland and 10 conferences abroad, among others in Paris, Rome, Berlin, Dortmund, Sydney, and Freiburg.