
Broker Meetings at ENEX

22 january 2010
An opportunity to develop a platform for intersectoral co-operation

ENEX is an excellent opportunity to present machinery and equipment for power industry

This year, the organizer of the ENEX fair invites you to participate in free Broker Meetings, the aim being to create a platform for co-operation between suppliers and potential users of technologies to be applied in the industry.

This meeting facilitates the establishment of business contacts between entrepreneurs and research & development centres from all over Europe. Registration for the Broker Meetings should be made at Świętokrzyske Centrum Innowacji i Transferu Technologii Sp. z o.o. (the Świętokrzyskie Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre Ltd.) by 19 February. Contact:

Jacek Korona – consultant – korona@it.kielce.pl,
tel. +48 41 34 32 937
Krzysztof Wójtowicz - consultant – wojtowicz@it.kielce.pl,
tel. +48 41 34 32 939