The Jehovah's Witnesses Conventions bring together people from different nations and ethnic groups

A religious convention in Targi Kielce

30 july 2014
The meeting of over 4,000 Jehovah's Witnesses

The annual Jehovah's Witnesses Convention has been held for the first time in Targi Kielce. Almost 4,000 people joined the meeting to listen to biblical teachings. The congress was a meeting place for 43 congregations from Świętokrzyskie and Mazowieckie provinces. The Convention was held under the banner of "Let us seek first the kingdom of God!" This was one of many gatherings held in Poland.

"People professing different religions pray for the Kingdom of God to come. During this congress the participants could learn about this Kingdom and what its positive influence upon our lives. The programme featured an interesting point - the key-note address. The speech  discussed the benefits that the Kingdom of God brings for people today"- says Mr. Marek Lasek, a spokesman for the Convention. " Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus Christ began to reign as Lord of the Kingdom of God in 1914. This is a fundamental teaching based on biblical and historical evidence. The congress' focal point was the centenary of this event we celebrate this year "- the spokesman added.

The time spent in Targi Kielce was exceptional; this opinion was also aired by the convention participants. The Jehovah's Witnesses' Convention  Committee officially  expressed their gratitude for the kindness and commitment to the organization of the meeting.

Poland's Jehovah's Witnesses intend to organize 26 conferences in 19 cities. Around the world there are more than 113, 000 congregations are more than 7 900 000 Witnesses.