ALUMINIUM & NONFERMET (24-25.09.2024)
18th International Fair of Aluminium & Technology, Materials and Non-Ferrous Metal Products ALUMINIUM & NONFERMET

- About the event
- For visitors
- List of exhibitors
- Programme of the fair
- Accompanying events
- Contact
- For exhibitors

About the event

ALUMINUM & NONFERMET - an indispensable element of the "Targi Kielce Industrial Autumn"
The International Fair of Technologies for Foundry METAL offer is complemented and enhanced with the ALUMINUM & NONFERMET expo; the show has become an inseparable element of the "Targi Kielce Industrial Autumn".
Suppose your company offers new technologies, modern machinery and equipment used in non-ferrous metals industry, as well as raw materials, components and materials used in metallurgical processes. In that case, the expo is a must-attend event. Feel welcome to be a part of the show. Visitors willingly visit the expo stands which showcase aluminium and zinc alloys pressure casting, aluminium processing companies will come in abundance at the expo. The "Industrial Autumn" expo cluster has been a permanent fixture in business calendar of leading companies related to the broadly defined foundry and casting.
The event was held within the scope of the "Targi Kielce Industrial Autumn", as a part of the trade-show cluster comprising The International Fair of Technologies for Foundry Metal, the Heat Treatment Trade Fair and the CONTROL-TECH - the Fair of Industrial Measuring Technology and Non-Destructive Testing, the Recycling of Non-Ferrous Metal Expo.
We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming ALUMINIUM & NONFERMET show at Targi Kielce - save the date for September 2026. We look forward to seeing you!