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The ticket sale for the Hair & Skin convention has already started! A promotional ticket price available until mid-August

19 july 2023
Beauty and a healthy style; Targi Kielce Congress Centre’s visitors who join us on 30 September and 1 October for the Hair & Skin convention will learn the ways to keep both. The event offers the possibility to get free nutritional advice from the well-known dietitian Hanna Stolińska and business tips from a professional trainer Marcelina Rawka. There will also be creative shows, unique metamorphoses and interesting stylisations in abundance.

Workshops, trainings, conferences and demonstrations

The two-day meeting for the beauty industry starts on 30 September and continues until 1 October. The show attract representatives of the hairdressing business, cosmetology, dietetics, podiatry and trichology who will all gather at the Kielce exhibition and congress centre. The event encompasses conferences, trainings and shows. This is the perfect opportunity to obtain information on daily skin, hair and nail care, to learn make-up techniques and get to know how to create everyday styling. This is also the best place to obtain valuable nutritional tips. People who have just taken first steps in the industry will learn how to obtain funds to start your own business, what courses are in demand in the market and how to successfully do business in this sector. The meeting will be an opportunity to learn about the most important trends, latest developments and obtain the latest information on the beauty industry. There will also be creative shows, unique metamorphoses and interesting stylisations in abundance. The Kielce exhibition and congress centre is the best place to purchase professional cosmetics and vouchers for the best spas in the region; attractive prices at your fingertips.

A well-known clinical nutritionist, a professional beauty industry trainer, an experienced podiatrist and facial therapist - the speakers' list at the Hair & Skin convention is really extensive.

One of the special guests of the Hair & Skin convention - Hanna Stolińska, a doctor of health sciences and clinical nutritionist. Stolińska helps people with overweight and obesity problems. On the second day of the convention, Sunday, 1 October, Stolińska will lecture on  "Effect of nutrition on the condition of hair, skin and nails - youthful appearance and health preservation".The meeting with a well-known dietician will also abound with free advice on nutrition. The latest books is also available at the event. The Hair & Skin convention also hosts the professional business trainer Marcelina Rawka who offers valuable tips,  on the role of social media in the beauty industry.  If you want, you can also learn more about Rawka's latest book entitled "The Magic of Nail Styling".  Proper foot, skin and nail care  is discussed by  Kamila Bogdziewicz, an experienced podiatrist and pedicure trainer.face therapist Magdalena Kruzel will explain where wrinkles come from and how to get rid of them easily.

"Four seasons of femininity" at the autumn beauty industry convention

The Hair & Skin convention at the Targi Kielce Congress Centre includes also the next conference for women held under the banner of "The Four Seasons of Femininity". This meeting offers an interesting discussion on health prevention, consciously creation of a positive image and professional activity of women. You can also make the most of the advice - a fashion stylist, make-up artist and hairdresser are at your disposal. Participants of the previous meeting organised at the Department of Adult Education of the Jan Kochanowski University at Krakowska Street in Kielce drew special vouchers for diet preparation, cosmetic treatments, as well as a trichological consultation.

Hair & Skin Convention stars on Saturday, 30 September and continues until Sunday, 1 October 2023 at the Targi Kielce Congress Centre.

Tickets are available for on-line purchase until 20 August - a promotional price is on!

We also encourage you to join the event on Facebook


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