Krzysztof Hetman, Minister Rozwoju i Technologii i Andrzej Mochoń, prezes Targów Kielce podczas spotkania Ministra Rozwoju i Technologii z lokalnymi przedsiębiorcami i przedstawicielami Kielc i województwa świętokrzyskiego.

Targi Kielce is the heart throbbing with the strong economic pulse of the Świętokrzyskie - said the Minister of Development and Technology Krzysztof Hetman at a meeting with entrepreneurs and local go

22 march 2024
The Świętokrzyskie region’s development, the importance of Targi Kielce for the economic growth of the city and the voivodeship and facilities for entrepreneurs - these are some of the numerous topics discussed at the meeting of the Minister of Development and Technology Krzysztof Hetman with local entrepreneurs and representatives of Kielce and the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship.

– I am pleased to come to this place (ed. Targi Kielce), because many years ago I had the pleasure of working with the President here. Back then, I was a representative of the Ministry of Regional Development. Then there was the first unveiling of the Development of Eastern Poland program. Targi Kielce raised quite a lot of money from this programme. … I feel the urge to congratulate and thank, because it was a great investment. I feel joy to see how the Expo Centre has developed; Targi Kielce has become the heart which is strong economic pulse of the Świętokrzyskie region . – said Krzysztof Hetman.

The Minister of Development and Technology also announced the establishment of a new team for deregulation and economic dialogue.  – Of course, this team includes representatives of all the largest employer organisations in Poland. Within a month and a half, this team has prepared the first draft of the deregulation law – emphasized Krzysztof Hetman. The Minister also drew attention to the construction materials production industry developed in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, one of the key elements in the region's economy, and how important it is to continue investing in the development of infrastructure in the voivodeship. – We want to strengthen the construction market, especially the residential buildings market, which collapsed in 2022. This sectors downturn contiued in 2023.  So workplaces like these - the area in which we are in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship is a real mine of materials, can benefit from the strengthening – emphasised Minister Hetman. He also added that the forecasts are very optimistic. Owing to PLN 600 billion obtained from the European Union is the source of optmism, too.

Local government representatives also appealed to the Ministry of Development and Technology to draw attention to the need to expand the national road No. 74, including the section running through the city. The pointed out that without large-scale investments in the reconstruction of railway lines and expressways, Kielce will be of little interest to investors, entrepreneurs and tourists. – We would very much like to have clear plans, to attach pririties to roads. We want to see transport accessibility of our voivodeship improved. This is one of the conditions for both Targi Kielce, where we hosted today, and the investment accessibility of our region to significantly improve. – noted Cezary Tkaczyk, president of the Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

The meeting and press conference were also attended by Adam Jarubas, Member of the European Parliament, representatives of the Employers' Forum Association, the Świętokrzyskie Association of Private Employers Lewiatan, the Old Polish Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Chamber of Craftsmen and Entrepreneurs, the Świętokrzyska Lodge, the Business Center Club and the Polish Chamber of Regional Products and Local.
