Stoisko Grupy Specjalnej Płetwonurków RP na 31. MSPO w Targach Kielce

People with extraordinary powers featured at the 31st. MSPO at Targi Kielce!

07 september 2023
There is only one team of this kind in the whole world. They explored the flooded 9th level of the Wieliczka Salt Mine and conducted over 550 effective search operations in Polish waters. The Polish Scuba Divers Special Group at the Edge Tech Poland’s expo stand at Targi Kielce’s 31st MSPO

– Our group consists of almost 200 of the best divers in the country,  we revovered the bodies of Piotr Woźniak-Starak and Jan Lityński, to name a ew. The search involves, first of all, getting acquainted with the evidence, assessing the victim's body language based on surveillance recordings and reconstruction of the situation. During a mission, we use towed sonars for the simultaneous scan of the water body and the bottom mosaic; we also use underwater vehicles and cameras – says Maciej Roks from the PR Special Group of Divers.

The Special Group of Scuba Divers of the Republic of Poland - not only search and rescue operations. Trainings on offer

The team offers training in navigation and hydroacoustic device use, search and search operations in extreme conditions and operating unmanned underwater ROV vehicles.

Primary and secondary school and university students also have the opportunity to learn from professional rescuers and searchers. The group is involved in numerous educational projects in order to develop correct reflexes in life-threatening situations, properly use rescue equipment, disseminate knowledge on rescue techniques and discuss the scope of activities of maritime rescue services.

Underwater exploration specialists represent the leader of underwater technology producers - Edge Tech Polska

EdgeTech is a global household name in the domain of high-quality products: side-scan sonars, underbottom profilers, bathymetry systems, AUV and ROV-based sonar systems, combined and custom solutions.

The Edge Tech Polska presentation - expo stand H-26 in expo hall H of Targi Kielce. MSPO lasts until Friday, 8 September.
