Spotkanie Prezesa Targów Kielce dr Andrzeja Mochonia oraz Zastępcy Dyrektora Wydziału Targów Joanny Marcjan z Prezesem Polsko-Kazachstańskiej Izby Przemysłowo-Handlowej Piotrem Guzowskim i Zastępcą Przewodniczącego Prezydium Izby Przemysłowo-Handlowej, Dyrektor Generalną Izby Handlu i Inwestycji Sharą Dzhandarbekovną Akylbaevą.

Kielce and Kazakhstan join forces

26 october 2023
The possibilities of business cooperation in organising the Kielce exhibition and congress centre’s largest events were discussed during the meeting of Targi Kielce and the Polish-Kazakh Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s representatives

 Kazakhstan has a highly developed sector of mining and agricultural machinery, construction, raw material processing and construction materials. Targi Kielce, organises events that are important on the European arena, including: STOM-TOOL Sheet Metal Processing Fair, AGROTECH Agricultural Technology Fair and the Logistics and Packaging Industry Fair. I believe that an alliance with Kazakh enterprises can have a significant impact on the Polish economy, and our joint activities with the Chamber will bring many exhibitors and visitors from Kazakhstan to the expo centre- says Andrzej Mochoń PhD.- president of Targi Kielce.

The Kielce exhibition and congress centre has been a member of the Polish-Kazakh Chamber of Commerce and Industry since 2019. Although the COVID-19 pandemic has severely limited the possibilities of active cooperation, the time has come to intensify activities which boost common development. In October, a meeting was held at the office of the Chamber of Commerce and Investment in Almaty, initiating active business exchange between the institution and businesses from Kazakhstan and Poland!  The President of Targi Kielce Andrzej Mochoń, Deputy Director of the Trade Fair Department Joanna Marcjan, President of the Polish-Kazakh Chamber of Commerce and Industry Piotr Guzowski and Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Chamber of Trade and Investment, Director Shara Dzhandarbekovna Akylbaeva met at the General Chamber of Commerce and Investment.

At the meeting, issues of cooperation in organising business events, collective visits to international exhibitions in Poland and Kazakhstan and the implementation of joint projects were discussed.

Kielce together with Almaty

Kazakhstan's economy is one of the largest in Central Asia,  this country is one of the world's leading producers of natural resources, with huge reserves of crude oil, natural gas, coal, uranium, non-ferrous metal ores and other raw materials. This sector plays a key role in the economy and attracts foreign investment.  The investors- favourable climate of the country is conduicive;  Kazakhstan offers an exemption from corporate income tax for a period of up to 10 years and an exemption from land tax for the same period.

Due to its geographical location, Kazakhstan also plays an important role in the transport of international goods.  Kazakhstan  is part of the new Silk Road, which makes ​​transport infrastructure more advanced. Kazakhstan's economy still  needs technology, machines and devices-   Polish companies have extensive   experience and tials to respond to this demand. .

The foundation of cooperation 

The Polish-Kazakhstan Chamber of Commerce and Industry has been organizing business events in Kazakhstan and abroad for 15 years. The Chamber’s main objectives include assistance to member companies interested in cooperation between these two countries and support in establishing mutual contacts between economic partners, enterprises and businessmen in Poland and Kazakhstan.

The countries have supported trade and joint investments for over three decades. They cooperate in energy, chemical industry, agri-food industry and transport.
