
Conference – subsidies for sewage treatment projects

23 september 2010
How to obtain interest subsidies and what guidelines should be followed in preparing the application documents

Konferencja towarzysząca targom TIWS

And how to prepare the application documents for priority programmes and carry out tender procedures for selecting the bank and concluding an agreement? Such and other information will be offered at a conference to be held during the second day of the fair TIWS.

The conference on ”Subsidies for Projects to Be Implemented As Part of the National Programme of Municipal Sewage Treatment”, organized by the Discussion Forum of the Wodociągi Polskie company, will be held on 6th October, 11.00 – 14.00 hrs, at Targi Kielce.

The conference programme includes a presentation of the priority programmes of the National Fund for the Environmental Protection and Water Management within the First Priority of the Operational Programme “Infrastructure and Environment 2007 – 2013”.

The attendees will be presented selected case studies which illustrate the ongoing projects.

There will also be a debate on the practical value and usefulness of interest subsidies, including loans and bonds. The newest forms of subsidies will also be presented, e.g. limited recourse subsidies, security and effectiveness thereof in view of the budgetary restraints at the level of local authorities as stipulated by the Law on public finance.

ADMISSION FREE provided that prior registration is effected by completing the application form.