
20 May marks the World Metrology Day

20 may 2024
20 May marks World Metrology Day, thus, we want to make the most of this opportunity and appreciate all those involved in the scientific discipline related to all types of measurements. Metrology plays an essential role in every person's everyday life and in the development of society and the economy.

This branch os science is crucial for various fields - industry, health care and environmental protection, and technology, to name a few. Metrology is the cornerstone of the Control-Tech expo held every other year.

"We measure today for a sustainable tomorrow" is this year's leitmotif;  this important issue of accurate measurements is crucial to understanding climate change and developing effective strategies to manage it. Metrology provides the necessary tools to monitor environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, pressure, and greenhouse gas emissions. Precise measurements allow scientists to analyse climate trends and predict consequences, which is crucial for informed decision-making processes regarding climate policy and adaptation actions.

The accuracy of metrological measurements is also of great importance in other areas; the industry finds accurate measurements necessary to ensure the quality of products and production processes. Metrology thus translates into enterprises' efficiency and competitiveness. In medicine, metrology is crucial for diagnosing diseases, monitoring patients' health and ensuring the safety and effectiveness of treatments.

The holiday is also an opportunity to emphasise the role of metrology in achieving sustainable development goals. Precise measurements are necessary to monitor progress in the sustainable use of resources, energy efficiency, and reduction of emissions of harmful substances. Metrology is the foundation for protecting the environment and ensuring decent living conditions for current and future generations.

In a nutshell - the World Metrology Day offers an excellent opportunity to make society aware of the importance of this science branch and its impact on our everyday life, health, natural environment, and economic development. Promoting measurement accuracy, fairness and trust make metrology an integral part of technological and social progress.
