About the award
About the KIDS' TIME STAR Award

The KIDS' TIME expo - not only is this Poland's most significant event in the toys and articles for children industry. In addition, the expo is the chance to win prestigious awards and distinctions. KIDS' TIME STAR Award comes in the form of a statuette that is presented to producers of the best, most exciting and most innovative products for children and their parents.
Each year the Jury Panel panel convenes at the expo and becomes familiar with the offer of companies participating in the trade show. Then, the Jury Panel delves into details in order to select the best products in each of the sixteen categories.
The nominees' list includes both articles that make their market debut as well as those with an established and proven position.
The KIDS' TIME STAR is the excellent quality seal awarded to the product. As a consequence, the emblem is an element of the products' market promotion.
The KIDS 'TIME STAR statuette is awarded in the following categories:

The Jury Panel nominates three products in each of the above-listed categories, one of the nominees is awarded the KIDS' TIME STAR statuette presented at the Kids' Time awarding ceremony. The manufacturer of the winning product may use the distinction's image to demosntrate the product's high quality; this is also the guarantee that the prodct is child-friendly and safe.
Who will receive the statuette in the upcoming edition and will be able to enjoy the prestigious award? We will find out during the gala evening at the next KIDS TIME Expo in Kielce.
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